Kindness Movement

VollieCare Kindness Movement

bears sitiing on rail

Benefits of kindness and compassion

Small acts of kindness can have enormous power for both the person being kind and the recipient, whether that’s a stranger or someone in the same family. Many studies have found that kindness, compassion and giving are associated with:

• improved happiness

• good mental health

• a stronger immune system

• reduced anxiety, stress and depression

• improved relationships

• a longer life

VollieCare have started a ‘Kindness Movement’, with the community able to purchase a VollieBear as a gift that can be donated to unwell children in the FMC Paediatric Ward.

To get the kindness movement going

Purchase a VollieBear through our Volunteer Gift Shop

Drop in to the Volliecare Gift Shop or call 8204 4530 to gift a sick child in the Flinders Medical Centre Paediatrics Ward
and Volliecare volunteers will deliver it to the ward with a message on a card if you wish.

VollieBears are available in three sizes

vb 495 square small 720

Small VollieBear (keyring) – $9.95

vb 490 square medium 720

Medium VollieBear  – $14.95

vb 492 square large 720

Large VollieBear  – $19.95

karen gifting volliebrear

Purchase a VollieBear from the FMC Gift Shop

Make a donation to gift a Volliebear to an unwell child